What is Rogic?

Compatible Products

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Product Information

Developer: RoboRobo

Status: Deployment in progress

Stabilization Version: 2022.2.4

Platform: Window

Supported Languages: Korean, English, and Chinese

Download link:

Official Archive

Product descriptions

Rogic is Roborobo's software dedicated to self-developed robot programming.

It is a learning tool based on block coding and can be used for coding education and robot teaching tools control.

It supports AI learning services using built-in AI learning functions (face/image/marker learning and recognition) without an Internet connection.

How to download Rogic

Download the installation file


1. From the top menu of the Roborobo homepage, click Download.


2. Alternatively, click the blue download button that appears when you mouse cursor over Download.

3. Click the view more button in the Rogic item.

4. Click the Download Latest Version button to download the installation file.

5. Use the downloaded installation file to install the program.

(In the first installation of the program, install the USB Driver included in the file.)

6. Double-click the installed icon to run the Rogic program.

7. This is how Rogic was executed, and from now on, you can use logic to proceed with coding activities.