Key Components

Data on circuit boards available in the DIYGO series.

CPU Board


12 digital in/output ports/ 6 analog in/output ports

I2C communication Port

6V ↔ 12V output change using the Voltage Slide Switch 

12V DC motor output (2 battery connectors)

Built-in motor Drive Port connection port

Built-in Bluetooth communication module connection port

Can communicate with the computer board connected to the PC using a dedicated cable

Use the Rogic program for programming

Use the Python library provided separately to program

Product Information

Major Parts : ATmega328A

Recommended Voltage : 5V ~ 12V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 78(L) * 58(W) * 13(H)mm

Weight : 26g

Purchase link : Official Shopping Mall

Exterior Description

Motor Drive board Connection Port - This is a port that connects the motor drive board

A total of four motors can be independently controlled through ports (M1 to M4) in the connected motor drive board.

M1 to M4 ports can each connect two DC motors..

Digital Port - This is the port that can connect sensors and output wires that utilize digital signal

Connect and use [RGB LED, piezo buzzer, servomotor, infrared sensor, contact sensor, ultrasonic sensor] in the DIYGO series.

There are a total of 12 ports from D2 to D13.

When the motor drive board is connected to the CPU board, some ports are restricted from being used.

- Restrict D4 to D7 ports when using one motor drive board

- Restrict D4 to D11 ports when using 2 motor drive boards

Analog Port -This is a port that can be connected to the sensors or output wires that utilize analog signal.

Connect and use the [dial sensor, rotation position sensor, gyro sensor, temperature sensor, light sensor, joystick sensor, A keypad, melody board, dot matrix board] within the DIYGO series.

There are a total of 6 ports from A0 to A5.

Ports A4 and A5 are I2C communication ports. (Gyrosensor / Dot Matrix Board / Melody Board only)

Communication Port - It is a dedicated port that can communicate between the PC and the CPU board using a dedicated cable.

In order to communicate with the PC, you must connect the data cable to which the COM board is connected to the PC.

Power Port - This is a port that receives power by connecting the battery case. (Use 6V batteries each)

When applying 6V power using one battery case, connect the battery case to the B1 port and move the light blue voltage switch to B1 for use.

When applying 12V power using two battery cases, connect the battery cases to both the B1 port and the B2 port, and move the sky blue voltage switch to B1+B2 for use.

Power Switch - CPU board can be turned on/off using the white switch button

Wireless Communication Port - A port that can connect wireless communication modules.

It can be used by connecting an RF module or a Bluetooth module.

Use after setting the communication module's antenna and the CPU's antenna direction identically.

Assembly hole - A dedicated hole for fastening the DIYGO series assembly frame with bolts and nuts.


Never put parts in your mouth.

Do not throw or swing parts or products at people.

Be careful when handling sharp parts or products.

Keep various parts away from the fire.

Be careful that semiconductors, motors, and electronic components may not work if they come into contact with water or get wet.

Do not use different types of batteries mixed together.

Assemble and operate under the supervision of a guardian or teacher.

It contains small parts, so it cannot be used by children under the age of three.

Motor Drive Board


This is the drive board that can control the Roborobo DC Motor

Connect to the DIYGO_CPU Board only port to use

One motor driveboard can control each of the two DC motors.

(A total of 4 motors can be connected to a single motor driveboard; two pairs of motors can be controlled respectively)

Product Information

Major Parts : A3909 drive IC

Recommended Voltage : 5V ~ 12V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 28(L) * 28(W) * 14(H)mm

Weight : 5g

Purchase Link: Official Shopping Mall

How to Use

1) The motor drive board is assembled to the CPU board in alignment with the orientation and port as follows.

The DC motor drive board consists of two ports, each of which controls the motor.

2) Use the DC motor cable by wiring the motor drive board assembled to the CPU board.

Use by wiring the DC motor's black cable to the header pin connected to the white square imprinted on the motor driveboard.

Example of use 1)

When wiring motors to M1 and M2 ports

Example of use 2)

When wiring to the upper and lower ports of the motor drive board respectively

DC Motor


he DC motor is a geared motor with a reduction gear built into the case.

It is easy to attach the main body and wheels, so it is mainly used for driving or rotating robots.

RPM can be distinguished through stickers attached to the exterior of the motor, and the types are as follows.

Red Sticker  - 30rpm [6V Power]

Green Sticker - 400rpm [6V Power]

No Sticker- 130rpm [6v Power]

It can be used by wiring the cable in the part to the connection port in the motor drive board.

Product Information

Totque : 3.4kg(6V)

RPM : 30RPM(6V) / 130RPM (6V) / 400RPM(6V)

Recommended Voltage : 6V ~ 12V

Size : 20(L) * 65(W) * 45(H)mm

Weight : 37g

Product Link : Official Shopping mall



RGB LED is a part that can emit light by adjusting three color values: Red, Green, and Blue.

It can be used by connecting to a digital port in the DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

Product Information

Major Parts : WS28128(RGB LED)

Recommended Voltage : 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

SIze : 18(L) * 30(W) * 20(H)mm

Weight : 2.5g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Piezo Buzzer


A Piezo Buzzer is a component that can output sounds of various heights to the outside from a buzzer mounted on a circuit board using electrical signals.

(The dedicated program Rogic can produce approximately 8 octaves of sound.)

(You can use PWM wave orms to create sound.)

It can be used by connecting to a digital port in the DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

The sound volume can be determined according to the connection method to the two ports existing in the circuit.

When connecting the upper port of the piezo Buzzer: play it out loud

When connecting to the port under the Piezo Buzzer play it in low tones

Product Information

Major Parts : GEC-05S(Buzzer)

Recommended Voltage : 5V~6V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 18(L) * 30(W) * 20(H)mm

Weight : 4g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Servo Motor


The servo motor is a DC Servo geared motor with a reduction gear built into the case.

The minimum/maximum rotation angle (range) of the servomotor shaft is -120 degrees to +120 degrees.

It can be used by connecting the frame with the motor guide enclosed with the product.

It is mainly used for robot joints and steering devices.

It can be used by connecting to a digital port in the DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

Product Information

Totque : 4.5kg(6V)

RPM : 62RPM(6V)

Recommended Voltage : 6V

Parts : STM8S001J3

PCB : FR-4(Epoxy) 1.0T Double Side

Size : 20(L) * 65(W) * 45(H)mm

Weight : 39g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall


When using manganese batteries, output results may be less than specifications.

If the voltage exceeds 6V, it can cause product failure.

Infrared (IR) Sensor


Infrared sensors can detect objects in front of them using infrared and light-receiving sensors.

It can be used by connecting to a digital port in the DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

Product Information

SI3311-H(Light Emitting Part)

ST3811 (Light Receiving Part)

Recommended Voltage : 5V~6V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 48(L) * 28(W) * 8(H)mm

Weight : 5g

Product Link: Official Shopping Mall

Motion Sensor


The contact sensor uses a switch attached to the circuit board to detect whether it is pressed.

It can be used by connecting to a digital port in the DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

Product Information

THH-12715 : Tact SW

Basic : Low

Input : High

Recommended Voltage : 5V~6V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 48(L) * 28(W) * 9(H)mm

Weight : 5g

Purchase Link : Official Shopping Mall

Ultrasonic Sensor


It is a sensor that measures the time when ultrasonic waves generated by the sensor are reflected off an obstacle in front of it and calculates it as a distance.

(The unit of distance detected is 'cm', and the distance detected is from 2cm to 160cm in front.)

It can be used by connecting to a digital port in the  DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

Product Information

HC-SR04+ (Ultrasonic Sensor)

Recommended Voltage : 5V~6V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 58(L) * 28(W) * 12.5(H)mm

Weight : 17.4g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Dial Sensor


An analog sensor that can detect the rotation value of the dial attached to the sensor.

(You can detect the segmented area from 0 to 1024 and see it in the Rogic program.)

It can be used by connecting to an analog port in the DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

Product Information

Variable Resistor 10KΩ (Variable Resistance)

Recommended Voltage : 5V~6V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 48(L) * 28(W) * 25(H)mm

Weight : 9g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Rotation Location Sensor


An analog sensor that can data the movement angle and rotation speed according to the rotation direction of the dial attached to the sensor.

The voltage varies linearly depending on the angle at which the sensor's external dial is located.

(0 Degree : Low Level Signal / 360 Degree : High Level Signal)

It can be expanded by assembling wheels and motor guides in the DIYGO series on dial-shaped instruments installed outside the sensor.

It can be used by connecting to an analog port in the DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

Product Information

360 degrees Potentiometer

12-bit Analog Resolution

Recommended Voltage : 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 48(L) * 28(W) * 14(H)mm

Weight : 9g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Gyro Sensor


This is an analog sensor that can measure inclination or angular velocity based on three axes of X,Y, and Z through a sensor assembled in the center.

Also, by integrating based on the measured angular velocity, tilted angle of the sensor can also be calculated.

It can be used by connecting to the I2C communication port (A4 port and A5 port) in the DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

(The A4/A5 port in the sensor is specified and cannot operate properly during miswiring)

Product Information


3-axis Gyroscope : 16-bit ADCs

3-axis Accelerometer : 16-bit ADCs

Recommended Voltage : 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 38(L) * 38(W) * 14(H)mm

Weight : 6g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Temperature sensor


This is an analog sensor that quantify the temperature around the sensor .

(The numerical temperature is similar to the Celsius temperature and may vary slightly from the actual temperature.)

It can be used by connecting to an analog port in the DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

Product Information

LM35D (Temperature Sensor)

Measurement Range : 0˚c ~ 100˚c

Recommended Voltage : 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 18(L) * 30(W) * 15(H)mm

Weight : 3g

Product Information : Official Shopping Mall

Light Detection Sensor


This sensor quantifies the illuminance around the sensor

(The numerical illuminance is expressed as an analog value or a variable value from 0 to 100.)

(The darker the area around the sensor, the closer the data is to zero.)

It can be used by connecting to an analog port in the DIYGO_CPU board using a 3-pin cable.

Product information

KIC3T03AL(Light Sensor)

Recommended Voltage : 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 18(L) * 30(W) * 11(H)mm

Weight : 2.9g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Joy Stick Sensor


This is a part that can receive the slope value of the stick present on the circuit board as an analog value and transmit it to the CPU.

It detects X-axis motion data and Y-axis motion data and presses the stick through the ports present in the sensor.

(The darker the area around the sensor, the closer the data is to zero.)

Two 3-pin cables can be used to detect tilt values by connecting to analog ports in the DIYGO_CPU board.

Using one 3-pin cable, you can connect to the digital port in the DIYGO_CPU board to detect whether the stick is pressed or not.

Product Information

Joy Stick Lever : Joystick / Tact-103J

Recommended Voltage: 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 48(L) * 48(W) * 31(H)mm

Weight : 15.9g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Analog Keypad


This is a sensor that detects whether each of the five switches present on the circuit board is pressed and transmits the pressed state to an analog value.

When each button is pressed, a unique analog value can be passed to the CPU board.

A 3-pin cable can be connected to an analog port in the DIYGO_CPU board to detect whether or not each switch is pressed.

Product Information

Tact Switch 12*12mm

Recommended Voltage : 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 54(L) * 54(W) * 10(H)mm

Weight : 12g

Product link : Official Shopping Mall

Melody Board


This is a component that can output the sound source of the SD card existing in the circuit board through a speaker.

353 sound sources inside the Rogic program are built-in by default, and you can also add and play the sound source file you want.

Two 3-pin cables can be used by connecting to the I2C port (Analog No. 4 and Analog No. 5) in the DIYGO_CPU board.

(No other ports can function normally.)

The A4 and A5 ports imprinted on the board must be wired equally to the A4 and A5 ports on the CPU board to operate normally.

Product Information


Rated Freq.Range (Hz) : 500~4000

Sound Output (db) : 80min at 0.1W 10cm (Max)

Sample rate (KHz) : 8 / 11.025 / 12 / 16 / 22.05 / 24 / 32 / 44.1 / 48

Supports Max 32G Micro SD Card

Recommended Voltage : 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 48(L) * 48(W) * 14(H)mm

Weight : 15g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Dot Matrix Board


It is a part that can pattern control 105 LEDs existing in the circuit board using the Rogic program.

Two 3-pin cables can be used by connecting to the I2C port (Analog No. 4 and Analog No. 5) in the DIYGO_CPU board.

(No other ports can function normally.)

The A4 and A5 ports imprinted on the board must be wired equally to the A4 and A5 ports on the CPU board to operate normally.

Product Information

Recommended Voltage : 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 98(L) * 58(W) * 14(H)mm

Weight : 49g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Camera Module


It is a camera module that wirelessly communicates with a PC through Wi-Fi communication.

The camera module is a component based on Wi-Fi communication and can be used in a PC or laptop environment equipped with a communication module.

(Communication module: Wi-Fi dongle)

Power is authorized through the DIYGO_CPU board (power is through the ISP port on the CPU board with a 4-pin cable), or additional power supplies are required.

Product Information

Wi-fi Frequency Range : 2.4GHz ~ 2.5GHz

Wi-fi Protocles : 802.11b/g/n/d/e/i/k/r (802.11n up to 150 Mbps)

Image Sensor : OV2640

Lens Size : 1/4

EFL : 2.8

Default Resolution : CIF (400*296)

Supports AP Mode / Station Mode

Recommended Voltage: 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 40(L) * 40(W) * 18(H)mm

Weight : 17g

Product Information : Official Shopping Mall

Com Board


DIYGO_Part is used for serial data communication between the DIYGO_CPU board and PC.

It can be used with a dedicated cable to connect by wire, and a Bluetooth Module is connected to support wireless communication between PC and CPU boards.

Product Information

Major parts : PC2101

Recommended Voltage : 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

SIze : 24.5(L) * 69(W) * 22(H)mm

Weight : 18g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Bluetooth Communication Module


This is a Bluetooth module used for wireless communication.

The module equipped with the case is installed on the computer board for use.

Modules without a case are installed on the CPU board.

Communicate with DIYGO_CPU board (equipped with module without case) and Com board (equipped with module with case) respectively.

Product Information

Bluetooth Frequency Range : 2.4GHz ~ 2.5GHz

Basic BPS : 115200 BPS

Bluetooth Version : 4.0

Recommended Voltage : 5V

PCB : RF-4(Epoxy)1.6T Double Side

Size : 20(L) * 32(W) * 22(H)mm

Weight : 6g

Product Link : Official Shopping Mall

Communication Cable


When connecting the DIYGO_CPU board and Com Board, this is the designated wire to use.

Product Information

Length : 1m

Product Link : Official Shopping mall