How to use the program

How to use the program

1. Smart Logic Full Screen

2. Create a program

3. Chip Copy Capability

4. chip-cut feature

5. chip erasure feature

6. UNDO / REDO feature

7. Functionality

8. Function renaming feature

9. Function Deletion/Full Deletion Features

10. Download/Run/Stop

11. Storage Features

12. Save to another name

13. import function

14. New Features

15. Program Viewer Features

Smart Rogic Full Screen

 Program Download

 Program Activate

 Program Stop

Program Details

(For example, file firmware, etc.)


When touched, the menu below appears.

 Close Edit Menu


 Cutting off

 To paste

 Delete Select Chip


 Chip menu for creating program Rogic


 Program Viewer Features

 Revert to previous job

Returning to after the current job

 Full deletion (with function)

Writing the Program

1. Touch the chip menu on the far left side of the screen.

2. Touch the chip menu to display the chips that belong to the menu.

3. Touch the chip you want to program and it will be added automatically under the chip marked with a selection mark.

*The chip currently selected has a right border white bar active.

Chip Copy Capability

Chip Copy

Touch the option button().

*In the image below, the options menu is open by touching the options button.

Select a copy chip.

Touch the Copy button.

Select the point to paste

Select the point you want to paste.

Touch the paste button.

Copy completed

A copied chip is created.

* For If/Else.While chip groups, internal chips are also included and cut.

Chip deletion feature

Chip Deletion

Touch the option button().

*In the image below, the options menu is opened by touching the options button.

Select the chip you want to delete.

Touch the button you want to delete.

Chip deletion complete

It looks like the chip has been deleted.

Undo/Redo Feature

previous Job Status

The image below has been created/cut/copy/paste/deleted.

Undo Feature

Touch the Undo button.

You can see that it has returned to its previous work.

Redo Feature

Touch the Run Again button.

You can see that the job that you canceled is running again.

Function Feature

Create the Function

Touch the function addition button

Enter the function name

*English Only

Write the Function

Create a program in Function.

Utilize the function

Touch the Function chip in the Functions menu

You can use the created Function chip.

Function renaming feature

Function Double Touch

Touch the Function chip you want to change twice.

Change Function Name

Enter the name of the Function that you want to change.

*You can only enter English.

Changed Function Name

You can view the changed Function name on the Function tab.

Function Deletion/Full Deletion Features

Function Deletion Feature

On the Function tab, select the Functon you want to delete and touch the Delete button.

When deleted, it is deleted from the Function chip and the Function tab.


Full Deletion Feature

Touch the Delete button in the main function.

The entire chip in the main function is deleted.




Touch the download button.

The download progress window appears and the download is complete.


Touch the Run button.

The execution message is output and executed.


Touch the stop button.

A stop mesh key is output and stopped.

Storage Features

Setting Menu

Touch the Setting button.


Touch the Save menu.

Save Complete

Enter a file name.

Touch the Save button.

*It is stored in an existing file.

Save to another name

Setting Menu

Touch the setting button

Save to another name

Touch the Save As menu.

Save to another name

Enter a file name.

Touch the Save button.

*A new file will be created.

import function

Import saved files

Touch the Setting button.

Touch the import menu.

Select the rpj file to import from the list.

*rpj is the extension of the program file saved by Rogic.

The import is complete.

Creating new project feature

Create a new project

Touch the settings button

Touch the open menu

Touch the Create menu.

New project is now created

Program Viewer Feature

Rogic Mode status

The Rogic mode state.

Touch the program viewer button

Program viewer activated

Program viewer mode is active.

If you touch the Rogic mode button, it changes to the Rogic mode

Return to Rogic mode

The mode has been changed to Rogic mode.