What is Rogic?

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Product Information

Developer: RoboRobo

Status: Deployment in progress

Stabilized version: 4.0.1

Platform: Window

Supported Languages: Korean and English

Download link: Official Archive

Product Introduction

Logic is Roborobo's software dedicated to self-developed robot programming,

It is a block programming program in a GUI environment that can program robots made of robo-kits.

Programming that is easy and fun

- The graphical user interface (GUI) environment makes difficult and complex programming easy and simple.

Flow-chart Concept Programming

- Rather than simply controlling the robot with icons, it is possible to cultivate basic logical-mathematical skills through algorithm programming in the concept of Flowchart.

A communication method that enables both wired and wireless communication

- The robot can be programmed, downloaded, and controlled using wired connections using A/B connectors and wireless connections using Bluetooth communication.

How to install Rogic

Download the Install File


1. From the top menu of the Roborobo homepage, click Download.


2. Alternatively, click the blue download button that appears when you put the mouse cursor over.

3. Click the View More button in the Rogic (Rolbokit) item.

4. Click the Download Latest Version button to download the installation file.

*The compressed file is automatically downloaded to the My PC > Photo path unless you have set the download settings in your browser.

How to install the program

1. Verify the downloaded installation file.

2. Feel free to decompress the path you want to use. (This image used Bandi Jip.)

3. Double-click to run the [NewLogic.exe] file with the logic icon.

4. This is Rogic! You are all good to go!