What is Rogic?

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Product Information

Developer: RoboRobo

Status: Deployment in progress

Stabilized version: 4.0.1

Platform: Window

Supported Languages: Korean and English

Download link: Official Archive

Product Introduction

Logic is Roborobo's software dedicated to self-developed robot programming,

It is a block programming program in a GUI environment that can program robots made of robo-kits.

Programming that is easy and fun

- The graphical user interface (GUI) environment makes difficult and complex programming easy and simple.

Flow-chart Concept Programming

- Rather than simply controlling the robot with icons, it is possible to cultivate basic logical-mathematical skills through algorithm programming in the concept of Flowchart.

A communication method that enables both wired and wireless communication

- The robot can be programmed, downloaded, and controlled using wired connections using A/B connectors and wireless connections using Bluetooth communication.

How to install Rogic

Download the Install File