About the Coding Block

Coding Block 

  • Front/ back/turn left/ turn right block 
  • Motor rotation (clockwise)/ counterclockwise/ stop block 
  • Orange LED Block 
  • Blue LED Block 
  • Melody Block 
  • Remote controller Block 
  • Green/Yellow Motion sensor block 
  • IR sensor Block

Front/ back/turn left/ turn right block

Motor A/B

If the CPU is not connected to the battery, the motor rotates forward

▷Front Block

Coding BlockImage

The motor that is connected to Battery cases A, and B Rotates forward for 1 second 

▷Back Block

Coding BlockImage

The motor that is connected to Battery cases A, and B rotates backward for 1 second

▷Turn Left Block

Coding BlockImage

The motor that is connected to battery cases A, and B rotates leftward for 1 second 

▷Turn Right Block

Coding BlockImage

The motor that is connected to battery cases A, and B Rotates rightward for 1 second


Related Products

Motor x2

Connect the motor to A, and B port on the battery case

Motor rotation (clockwise)/ counterclockwise/ stop block

모터 C

If the CPU is not connected to the battery case, the motor will continue its clockwise rotation. The rotation speed can be changed in the settings

▷Motor Rotation (Clockwise) Block

Coding BlockImage

 The motor that is connected to the Battery case C port rotates clockwise for 1 second

Motor Rotation (Counterclockwise) Block

Coding Block Image

The motor that is connected to the battery case C port rotates counterclockwise for 1 second


Related products

Motor x 1

How to Connect

Connect the motor to the C port of the battery case


Motor Rotation stop block 

Coding Block Image

The motor that is connected to the A,B,C ports of the battery case stops for 1 second


Related products

Motor x 1

How to Connect

Connect the motor to the C port of the battery case

Orange LED Block

If the program is not running, the LED will light up the color of the CPU’s LED or repeat the sequence of ‘Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Dark Blue,Purple’.

Orange LED (Red) Block

Coding BlockImage

Orange LED will emit red light for 1 second

Orange LED ( Orange) Block

Coding BlockImage

Orange LED will emit orange light for 1 second

Orange LED (Yellow) Block

Coding BlockImage

Orange LED will emit yellow light for 1 second 

Orange LED (Green) Block

Coding BlockImage

Orange LED will emit Green light for 1 second

Orange LED (Blue) Block

Coding BlockImage

Orange LED will emit Blue light for 1 second

Orange LED (Purple) Block

Coding BlockImage

Orange LED will emit purple light for 1 second


Related product

Orange LED

How to connect

Connect the LED to one of the ports on the CPU, but except the DOWN port

Blue LED Block

If the program is not running, the LED will light up the color of the CPU’s LED or repeat the sequence of ‘Red,Orange,Yellow,Green,Blue,Dark Blue,Purple’.

Blue LED (Red) Block

Coding BlockImage

Blue LED will emit red light for 1 second

Blue LED (Orange) Block

Coding BlockImage

Blue LED will emit orange light for 1 second 

Blue LED (Yellow) Block

Coding BlockImage

Blue LED will emit yellow light for 1 second

Blue LED (Green) Block

Coding BlockImage

Blue LED will emit Green light for 1 second

Blue LED (Blue) Block

Coding BlockImage

Blue LED will emit Blue light for 1 second

Blue LED (Purple) Block

Coding BlockImage

Blue LED will emit purple light for 1 second 


Related Products

Blue LED

How to Connect

Connect the LED to one of the ports on the CPU, but except the DOWN port

Melody Block

Melody Board

If you select a song on the settings page, the board will play the selected song for 1 second and then stop.

Song 1 : Boong boong song / Song 2 : Robot Song / Song 3 : Dance Song / Song 4 : Animal Song / Song 5 : Ambulance Song

Melody Block

Coding BlockImage

Play #1 song for 1 second and stop


Related Products

Melody Board

How to Connect

Connect the melody board to one of the ports except the DOWN port

Remote controller Block

Remote controller 

If you select a mode in the settings page, the remote will be activated into a selected mode

  • Mode 1: The orange button on the remote controls the LED, Green controls the Melody Board 
  • Mode 2: Orange Button on the remote makes the C motor turn clockwise, Green, makes it turn counterclockwise (Activates while pressing the buttons) 
  • Mode 3: Orange Button on the remote makes the C motor turn clockwise, Green, makes it turn counterclockwise (Activates when the button is pressed)

Remote controller block

Coding BlockImage

Remote control with Mode 1

Action time

1. If you change the time on the settings page, the robot will perform the previous coding block’s action for the time you have selected ( excludes Motion sensor block, infrared sensor block, remote controller block) 

2. When the time block is used, 1 second of the coding block before it will be neglected 

  • Ex) Coding Block 1sec + Time block 1 sec=> 1sec of the time block 
  • Ex) Coding Block 1 sec+ Time block 5 sec => 5 sec of the time block


Related Products

Remote Controller reception board  Remote Controller

How to Connect

Connect to any 7 ports on the CPU except the DOWN port


▷Time Block

Coding BlockImage

Maintains the preceding coding block’s action for 1 second.


No boards to control it 

Can change the motion time of the Motor ABC/ Orange LED/ Blue LED/ Melody board

Green / Yellow motion sensor block

Motion sensor

1. If you use the motion sensor, the program will not shut down but will wait for the next input 

2. If you use 2 or more sensors, the operating range of that sensor is up to the next sensor 

  • Ex) Yellow sensor - Forward- Green Sensor- Orange LED 
  • If the orange sensor is detected, move forward and wait for input
  • If the green sensor is detected, the LED gets activated and waits for input

▷Green Motion Sensor

Coding BlockImage

If a green motion sensor is detected, the motion of the block behind gets activated 

▷Yellow Motion Sensor

Coding BlockImage

If a yellow motion sensor is detected, the motion of the block behind gets activated 


Related Products

Green/yellow motion sensor

How to Connect

Connect to one of the 7 ports on the CPU but except the DOWN port 

IR Sensor Block

1. If you use the IR sensor, the program will not shut down but will wait for the next input 

2. If you use 2 or more sensors, the operating range of that sensor is up to the next sensor 

  • Ex) IR sensor - Forward- Green Sensor- Orange LED 
  • If the IR sensor is detected, move forward and wait for input
  • If the green sensor is detected, the LED gets activated and waits for input

▷IR sensor Block

Coding BlockImage

If the sensor detects something, the action of the block behind will be activated


Related Products

IR sensor

How to Connect

Connect to one of the 7 ports on the CPU but except the DOWN port